Staff Diversity

Best School, Nigeria Staff Diversity

Grait international school ensures staff diversity in our environment, to carter to the needs of our various students from different backgrounds. As school demographics shift and global markets emerge, workplace diversity inches closer to becoming a necessity instead of a banner that schools wave to show their commitment to embracing differences and changes. Teachers alike reap tangible and intangible benefits from school benefits, not the least of which include respect from co-workers and school gains.

Mutual Respect Among Academic and non-academic Staff at Grait

Grait international school’s diversity fosters mutual respect among employees. Whether employees work in groups or teams comprised of co-workers with varied work styles, disabilities or who represent different cultures or generations, a synergistic work environment becomes the norm. Although an idyllic atmosphere may be difficult to achieve, employees nevertheless recognize the many strengths and talents that diversity brings to Grait and they gain respect for their colleagues’ performance.

Economic Empowerment of Marginalized Workers

Many members of the workforce have been marginalized due to racism, ageism and discrimination against people with disabilities. Not only is this discrimination unethical and illegal, it also has serious economic consequences. Grait has ensured such people are able to find work, and are able to earn a wage that is consistent with their training and abilities, their standard of living improves and they become financially secure. This not only has an impact on individuals and their families but can also take its toll on the community at large, as talents go unused and there is less money being circulated in the local economy.

Conflict Reduction and Resolution

Conflict inevitably occurs in the Grait environment. However, teachers who acknowledge others’ differences often also find similarities, particularly when there are common goals, such as teaching quality. Respect for co-workers either reduces the likelihood of conflict or facilitates an easier road to conflict resolution.

The ability to resolve Grait workplace conflict minimizes potential liability for teacher complaints that would otherwise escalate to formal matters, such as litigation. Our workplace diversity preserves the quality of academic and non-academic staff’ relationships with their co-workers and their proprietor.

Business Reputation Enhancement

Diversity in the workplace is vital for employees because it manifests itself in building a great reputation for the company, leading to increased profitability and opportunities for workers. Workplace diversity is important within the organization as well as outside. Business reputations flourish when companies demonstrate their commitment to diversity through aggressive outreach and recruiting efforts.

An organization known for its ethics, fair employment practices and appreciation for diverse talent is better able to attract a wider pool of qualified applicants. Other advantages include loyalty from customers who choose to do business only with companies whose business practices are socially responsible.

Job Promotion and Teacher Development

The importance of workplace diversity cannot be overstated when it comes to an organization’s ability to reach markets in foreign countries. The appeal of global markets creates two kinds of opportunities for employees: opportunities for promotion and employee development. A global marketplace opens doors for employees of different ages, physical and mental abilities, and ethnic backgrounds to build global profit centers. Employees interested in learning multinational business strategy and who are available for possible expatriate assignments may also find new and challenging career opportunities.

Increased Exposure to Different Kinds of People

A diverse workplace offers more than exposure to employees from different cultures and backgrounds. Employees learn from co-workers whose work styles vary and whose attitudes about work varies from their own. This is particularly true for employees within multigenerational work environments, as well as those who work in environments that are accessible to those with disabilities.

Traditional-generation teachers learn new technology and processes from teachers who belong to the tech-savvy Millennial generation. Likewise, Generation X employees learn from exposure to the assertive, go-getter work ethic typical of many Baby Boomers.

Advantages of diverse employees (teaching and non-teaching staff) at Grait international school(s)

Having diverse employees provides a number of advantages to Grait. However, realizing these benefits typically requires that we offer effective diversity management and training and foster a workplace of tolerance and fair treatment of all. Diversity among our teachers includes differences in areas like age, gender, race, national origin, culture, sexual orientation and other background traits.

Ogun state (Nigeria) Public Rapport

Many of the advantages of diversity most commonly noted are for the Grait and employees. However, better rapport with the community is a major advantage of having diverse employees. Communities typically want to see an organization that has employees representative of the community as a whole. For instance, in a community with a significant Igbo population, community members would generally expect to find a relative proportion of workers that are Igbo.

More Ideas

One of the primary reasons many companies try to build a diverse workplace is to broaden the scope and quality of ideas generated. People with different backgrounds, cultures and world perspectives will usually offer more and better ideas on various aspects of business than a group of homogeneous workers. This is especially a benefit when the company operates in many business arenas with each requiring different backgrounds and expertise from employees.

Globalization Benefits

The world educational space has become increasingly interactive, and many schools operate globally as of 2011. This presents great opportunities for business growth and development, but it poses challenges to schools that do not have employees capable of understanding cultural and language barriers of interacting with students of different backgrounds. Thus, having a culturally diverse workforce has given Grait a better ability to expand into environments where our employees familiar with those environment can offer insight and help.

Employee Development

Employees can develop their skill sets more efficiently and effectively when surrounded by diverse colleagues with a wide array of backgrounds and experiences. For instance younger workers can often learn from the wisdom of senior employees with more experience and expertise. Similarly, employees that have ambition to travel or help Grait attract more students, can learn from employees that come from those areas. Grait international school(s) fosters a supportive environment where employees recognize these benefits.