Grait Corporate Social Responsibility

Best School, Nigeria Grait Corporate Social Responsibility

Grait corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a type of national private business self-regulation that aims to contribute to societal goals of a philanthropic, activist, or charitable nature by engaging in or supporting volunteering or ethically-oriented practices within the Nigerian sphere. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) allows Grait enact several positive changes. Grait choose to do what is right not only for their bottom line but also benefit financially while building trust with parents and students.

Parents and wards feel that when they enroll at Grait they are within the walls of a socially responsible company, they are doing their part. The more socially responsible the school, the more supportive the community and parents become.

Corporate social responsibility helps build trust, raise awareness, and encourage social change. Although there are tens of thousands of companies doing their part, large global corporations’ efforts have far-reaching results that can impact major world issues from hunger and health to global warming. Here are examples of how Grait international schools are doing CSR successfully.

  • Reducing carbon footprints on our school environment
  • Improving teacher and staff labor policies
  • Participating in fairtrade
  • Charitable giving to Ota Ogun state communities
  • Volunteering in the Ota community
  • Corporate policies that benefit the environment of Ogun state in general
  • Socially and environmentally conscious investments